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Ruby Bridges-the girl who desegregated schools (Women Who Changed the World)

Amy Contreras Season 1 Episode 13

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Listen in for another episode in the series, "Women Who Changed the World," celebrating women and focusing on Black women during Black History Month. In this episode, hosts Amy and Cece introduce us to the inspiring story of Ruby Bridges, the first African American child to integrate an all-white school in the South at just six years old.

Listeners will learn about Ruby’s early life in Mississippi, her family's journey to New Orleans and the landmark Supreme Court case, Brown vs. Board of Education, which made her historic enrollment possible. Ruby faced angry crowds and immense challenges at William Frantz Elementary School, but she never missed a day of class, demonstrating remarkable resilience and courage.

As the episode unfolds, Ruby's legacy is highlighted, from her inspiring story being transformed into a book and artwork, to her later accomplishments as an author, civil rights advocate, and the founder of the Ruby Bridges Foundation.

Concluding with a heartfelt poem that captures Ruby’s courage, this episode emphasizes the importance of kindness and inclusivity in our own lives today. Join us as we honor Ruby Bridges, a true pioneer in the fight for civil rights and equality.  A woman who changed the world.  

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Welcome to Check this out!  A podcast for kids 

(And their grown ups) where we talk about interesting people, places, ponderings, and past moments from history that made an impact on the world around us. 

My name is Amy Contreras and I’m Cece! 

Welcome back to another episode in our newest series  on…..

Cece: Women who changed the world! 

February is Black HIstory Month so our first few Women Who Changed the World episodes honor the Black women who have worked so hard to make our world a better place.  The women we are highlighting broke barriers, stood up for others, challenged what the world thought was possible, and created doors for future generations to walk through.  

Cece: They did so much

They did! And before we get into another episode in our series on 

Cece: Women who changed the world 

Make sure to subscribe so you can be first to get all of our new content and episodes!  

Cece: Let’s get into it 

Here we go!  So far in February we’ve had episodes on: 

  • Abolitionist Sojourner Truth
  • Civil rights leader Rosa Parks 
  • Black Aviator Bessie Coleman 

And today we are going to introduce you to another incredible black woman who changed the world.  She was the first child who integrated an all white school in the south when she was just 6 years old.  

Cece: Any idea who it was?

Well let me give a few more clues.  She is an author, a civil rights leader, has a foundation, and is still alive and driving progress today!   

Cece: That is cool! 

It is, and this cool woman who changed the world is named Ruby Bridges.  

Cece: I’m excited to learn more 

Same here! Ruby Bridges was born on September 8, 1954 in Mississippi. Her parents and grandparents worked as sharecroppers while in Mississippi.  When Ruby was young her family moved to New Orleans, Louisiana so they could find better opportunities.   

Check this out! 

Do you know what sharecropping is? This was the job Ruby’s family did before they moved.   It's a type of farming.  A sharecropper doesn't own the land they farm, they just work the land and share their harvest with the person who owns the land as a form of payment.  Sharecroppers are often poor and can’t afford their own land. Sharecropping was very common in the south after the Civil War and the end of slavery.    

Cece: I learned something new today 

Its always fun to learn something new.  When Ruby’s family moved to New Orleans in search of better opportunities they did this at an interesting time.  A big supreme court case called Brown vs the Board of Education happened in 1954, right around when Ruby was born and they moved a couple of years after this ruling. 

Cece: Why does that matter? 

Basically what happened was that in 1954 the U.S. The Supreme Court voted that racial segregation in public schools was against the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution and segregation in schools needed to stop.  The 14th amendment stops states from denying equal protection of the laws to any person.  What this means is all states must treat everyone the same, including at school, by giving everyone equal rights, no matter who they are or where they come from.  You can think of it like making sure everyone gets a fair chance. 

Cece: Oh thats important

It is! This happened right around the time that Ruby born and was going to school.  When Ruby was in kindergarten she took a test that was given to African American school children to figure out which students could enter all-white schools.   She was one of 6 black kids who passed the test and was selected to attend William Frantz Elementary School, an all white elementary school in new orleans.

Cece: She sounds really smart 

She was, and brave.  Her dad initially didn’t want her to enroll in the white school but her mom convinced her dad to let her.  

Cece: I’m glad 

Now listeners, I know a lot of you might be around 6 years old or even a little older.  I want you to imagine how brave and strong Ruby was as I tell you this story.  Here is one of the big things to know… Ruby Bridges was the first black child to attend a white elementary school in Louisiana.  

Cece: Tell us tell us 

November 14, 1960, was Ruby Bridges’ first day of school at William Frantz elementary school.  When she walked up to go to school there were huge crowds of angry grown ups yelling and calling this brave little girl all kinds of terrible names.  She had things thrown at her, and it was so loud and crowded that she didn’t understand that everyone was there because of her!  She thought the crowd was Mardi Gras, which is a big party that happens in New orleans.  

Cece: I’ve heard of that 

To protect her from the crowds and angry grown ups she had to be escorted by her mother and several US Marshals.  The marshals were there to protect her and make sure the school got integrated.  

When asked about her first day of school as an adult, Ruby Bridges remembers that after they brought her into the school the angry parents outside rushed into the school and took their children out of school.  Bridges spent her first day in the principal’s office as mad parents marched into the school to remove their children. Many white parents home schooled their kids instead of sending them to school with a black child.  

Cece: I can’t imagine 

Ruby ended up being the only student in her class and she had a white teacher named Ms. Henry and she taught Ruby for 1st grade.  Even with all the racism, name calling, and crowds Ruby Bridges didn’t miss a single day of school in first grade.  

Cece: What an amazing story.  

It would have been an amazing story if anyone did this.  Being the first black child to attend an all white school was a huge step forward for civil rights and equal opportunities for all.  Anyone who did that would have had to be brave.  But Ruby was only 6 when she took this historic step!  Could you imagine?  

Ruby’s story has inspired a movie, books, and there is even a famous painting of her by artist Norman Rockwell!  

Do you have any idea where the famous painting of Ruby Bridges is displayed?   

Is it 

  1. The smithsonian 
  2. The Martin Luther King Jr Memorial? 
  3. The White House art gallery

If you said C you’re right.  The famous painting of Ruby Bridges by Norman Rockwell is called “The problem we all live with” and it is displayed at the White House Art Gallery.  

While Ruby’s story is inspiring, it was extremely hard for her as a child.  She had to bring her own lunch to school because there were worries someone would try to poison her.  Both her parents lost their jobs as a result of their bravery in sending their daughter to desegregate the white school.  The pressures at home with threats and struggles to find work caused her parents to split up.  In her first year of school Ruby was also not allowed to participate in recess or go to the cafeteria.  She was often alone and struggled greatly.  It was later revealed that the principal of her school was keeping her away from the white children even though the laws had changed. 

Cece: That is not ok! 

I agree, her teacher, Ms Henry advocated for Ruby to be included with the other kids.  One day a young boy told her he wasn’t allowed to play with her and called her a really mean name that had to do with the fact she was black.  She has reflected that moment was her first real introduction to racism, because she hadn’t understood much of the anger and mobs from when she first went to school.  Remember she thought it was mardi gras.  

Cece: How sad

The good news is in her 2nd year at school she was no longer separated from the other students.  

Cece: That is good

Absolutely and there were more black kids who attended the school each year she went.  Eventually the mobs and protests died down as well.  

Ruby Bridges finished grade school and graduated from the integrated Francis T. Nicholls High School in New Orleans.  After finishing her education she became a travel agent and had the opportunity to travel around the world thanks to her job.  

Cece: That sounds cool 

Ruby got married to her husband Malcolm in 1984 and they eventually had 4 sons together.  

For a long while Ruby Bridges wasn’t recognized in her daily life as an adult, but in 1995 a children’s book called  “The Story of Ruby Bridges.” was released and it resurfaced her story to the world.  

Cece: I want to check out more about that.  

We can check it out at the Library!  The author of the book, Robert Coles, gave Bridges proceeds from the sales of the book.  She used these funds to develop a foundation in 1999. Her foundation is called The Ruby Bridges Foundation! 

Cece: That makes sense

Haha yup.  The Ruby Bridges Foundation  stands for the values, tolerance, respect, and appreciation of all differences. 

I mentioned at the start of the episode she is also an author!  She has written or co-authored 5 books!  

Ruby Bridges has also gotten to meet a president of the United States!  Do you want to guess who? 

Was it

  1. Barack Obama 
  2. Bill Clinton
  3. George W Bush

If you said A you’re right.  And President Barack Obama even extended his gratitude to her.  Together they went to look at the Norman Rockwell painting i mentioned earlier, while they were looking at it Obama told her, "I think it's fair to say that if it hadn't been for you guys, I might not be here and we wouldn't be looking at this together.”

In 2000, she was made an honorary Deputy U.S. Marshal. And in 2010 Bridges was honored at the White House. In 2024, she was also inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

We can honor Ruby’s brave act of desegregating the school all those years ago through our kindness and being welcoming of others who are different than us.  

As always we would like to end with a rhyme to help you remember Ruby’s story! 

Cece: We wrote you a poem! 

Born in Mississippi, her family roots ran deep,
At school in New Orleans, she dared to take leaps.
Ruby Bridges, just six, with courage so bright,
She faced angry crowds, but stood up for what's right. 

To an all-white school, she opened the door,
For children of color seeking more. 

Escorted by marshals, her spirit held true,
Desegregation- she was breaking right through. 

Though the path wasn’t easy, she did this task 

Ruby Bridges was first, but she certainly wasn’t last 

At the “check this out” we know it can be hard to know if information you find online is accurate!  We use verified sources to build the stories you hear about. 

Cece Our sources for this week's episode are,, indiana childrens museum, encyclopedia britannica 

Thanks for listening!